The demolition of most of Timberhill and the Bell Hotel? How could this possibly be ‘minded for approval’….. in Norwich? …. In 1970? .. and after Bishops Bridge and Elm Hill in the 1920’s after ……Conservation Acts and Areas, the Norwich Society, English Heritage etc etc etc …..

‘Times’, were stimulating and a’changin in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s.! When I, Michael Innes, came to Norwich in the 60’s, the UEA had not come to influence the City-politic in quite the full way that was to come a little later. Norwich was in process of acquiring a new age university and was early making itself felt, (the campus novel, (The History Man (1975)!). UEA continues on: this accounting covers my work until the end of the decade post-millennium; reacting to local conditions and wider politics during for these pw years after WW2. Work as a ‘local architect’

At the start the City Council was still a ’proper’ first tier, City Council. – soon to be headed for second tier status with ‘Planning’ based on a County Structure Plan. For a while happy with the ‘end of the war’ 1945, Abercrombie-type plan: “A Plan for Norwich”.

Often a tension between Tory County and Socialist City. Ambitions remains conflicted. The County, ‘highway biased’ The City, fighting for its identity back..

It is still a site that I will flesh out further and progress!!